Monday, August 23, 2010

In Class Notes & Units Limits

set the workspaces as AutoCAD classic
to save the workspace : click the up bar - save current workplaces (save as Template included units limits, it is the screen not image '.dwg')

left up : layer / right up: porperties
left bottom: styles / right bottom: workplaces
(earse other bars)

F2 to view command F2 again to hide the command window (F2 is the command history, it can save the command until close it)
close command window - Ctrl + 9 reopen the command window

L+enter - open Dynamic Input
OR click the bottom bar - Dynamic Input

delete item: left up and bottom corner - to get all of line in the square that high light (blue square)
                  right up and bottom corner - to get line which only in the square that highlight (green square)
make square to delete lines
high light the line then click the end point to move the line

right click anywhere, can get the recent input on the list

set up the screen limit, templat and file when use autocad

sheet size
8 1/2 x 11''
11'' x 17''

18'' x 24''
24'' x 36''
30'' x 42''
Alt + T - tools (shortcut to the bar)


Z enter E enter - zoom in
units + enter - go to drawing units - chose type of architectural / percision of quarter / inches / international

command : 0,0 - line from X/ Y point (0,0) (3,4) ( X:3, Y:4)
command: 3'2 (means 3 foot 2 inches) - how long is the line you make

Units Limits - setting how big of the drawing in AutoCAD
command: limits enter 1000',1000'
on the screen, X/Y is the floor in the room, everything we draw on the floor

everything draw basicly 1:1 but AutoCAD can be printing and magnfying the scale

Alt T Alt N - Display - uncheck layout elements only the first one is check
alt + d +g - draw rectangle
command: 0,0 and 42,30 (rectangle 30''x42'')
check the correction
command: di enter 0,0 (because we know the start point)

command: osnap - go to drafring settings - object snap
(snap to somewhere)
click clear all - then type EMC (Endpoint/Midpoint/Center)
F3 - snap on / F11 snap off

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